Everything you need to know about VALORANT

This game is developed by Riot games only for pc

 Valorant runs with minimum requirements

                        4GB RAM

                       1GB VRAM

               WINDOWS 7/8/10 64-bit

Valorant is released on 2020 June


 It is a 5 v 5 multiplayer 1st person shooter game 

 It is a game using attack, defend, plant & defuse strategy like 'CSGO'

The match starts with, every player selects which agent they would like to play as. Players cannot switch agents between rounds, 

and all five members of each team must select a different agent. Each agent has different abilities

One team takes on the role of the Attackers, while the other team take on the role of the Defenders, after 12 rounds roles will be swaps

The first team to win 13 rounds after 2 half will be the winner

Like other shooting games, this too has a ranking system

There are eight tiers to Valorant’s ranking system, starting with Iron and ending with Radiant.

 All tiers except Radiant and Immortal have three sub-ranks within them, with rank one the lowest and rank three the highest.

The top 500 players in each region will achieve Radiant rank, and approximately the top 1% per region will achieve Immortal rank.










Both Attackers and Defenders have specific goals


 Attackers must plant the exploding device called "spike", on the map at a certain site or eliminate all the defenders to win the round


 The Defenders must prevent the Spike from being planted, if it is planted, defuse the Spike, or take out all the Attackers to win the round.


 Defenders have site preference, which is defenders spawn near to site comparing to attackers

 Each round is 100 sec

 to plant the spike is 4 sec

 to defuse the spike is 7 sec

 and spike will explode in 45 sec


The agents are categories into 4 types



Duelists are self-sufficient fraggers who their team expects, through abilities and skills

their goal is to eliminate the opponents

Duelists Agents :







Initiators challenge angles by setting up their team to enter contested ground and push defenders away

Initiators can collect the info of the site

Initiator Agents :





Sentinels are defensive experts who can lock down areas and watch flanks, both an attacker and defensive rounds

Sentinel Agents :       

       Kill Joy




Controllers are experts in slicing up dangerous territory to set their team up for success

Controller Agents :     






   there are 6 maps in Valorant



              It is a complicated map

              A site is congested and B site is comparatively open



              This map is unique, it has teleportation portals




              This map has 3 sites A, B & C


              This map has congested pathways, less open spaces, and areas


              It is one of the first map in Valorant

              It has 2 sites


              It is the latest map in Valorant. Take in the sights of historic ruins or seaside caves on this                        tropical paradise

              it is a large map with wide-open spaces


 Creds are used to buy weapons, shields, and abilities during the Buy Phase before each round. They can also be used to buy weapons for teammates. If a teammate is low on Creds, teammates can right-click on a weapon to send a request to the team for someone to purchase the weapon for them.


 Creds are rewarded at the start of every round, the amount is based on performance in the previous round and Creds saved from previous rounds of the current half.

■ 800Creds at the first round of each half.

■ 3,000Creds for the round win.

■ 1,900Creds for round loss.

■ Additional 500Creds for 2x loss streak or 1,000Creds for loss streaks greater than 2x.

■ 200Creds for each kill.

■ 300Creds for the team planting the spike.

■ Compensation for Missing Players.

■ 5,000Creds at overtime.

Creds reset after 12 rounds when switching from attack to defense and vice versa. A single-player may not accumulate

more than 9,000Creds. This point system is called economy.

In each match, a player has 100 life points(hit points). And also we can buy 'LIGHT SHIELDS' which gives 25 hp more for 400creds and 

'HEAVY SHIELDS' which gives 50 hp more for 1,000creds


Different Game Modes 

Unrated :

 Standard VALORANT gameplay. Swap between attacking and defending sites, first to 13 rounds wins.

Competitive :

 Standard VALORANT gameplay. Same rules as unrated, but a higher stakes mode where you earn and compete for rank.


In this quick team deathmatch mode, race through a series of 12 weapons and abilities with your team. First team to complete the final level wins.

Deathmatch :

 A quick free for all deathmatch that's great for practicing VALORANT gunplay. No abilities, first to 40 kills wins.

Spike Rush :

 Shorter, lower stakes VALORANT gameplay. Same rules as unrated with added powerup orbs and randomized weapon loadouts. First to 4 rounds wins.

Practice Game Modes : 

 Practice Game Modes are a series of modes that you can play in the training grounds, this series of modes will let you have a taste of how Valorant games will work.


Same rules as unrated, but all players on the same team are the same agent. Set credits per round, first to 5 rounds wins.


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